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Serving El Paso County and all of Southern Colorado

We Represent Teachers Who Have Been Victims of Insurance Bad Faith

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At Gaddis, Herd, Craw & Adams, P.C., our Colorado insurance lawyers represent teachers who have been injured and whose insurers have failed to pay.

Two of our firm’s partners are married to teachers. We take pride in working hard to help teachers who’ve been injured in motor vehicle wrecks and whose insurers, some of which specialize in insuring teachers, fail to promptly pay the insurance benefits purchased.

One such insurer who insures teachers here in Colorado and across the nation is Horace Mann.

An insurer has a duty not only to timely communicate with its insured and third parties who’ve been injured, but also to promptly respond to demands for settlements and follow up on those communications.

Horace Mann was held accountable when it failed to promptly pay a policy limits demand. In a case in Illinois, Horace Mann failed to promptly pay its teacher’s $25,000.00 policy limits in a case against a teacher by a motorcyclist injured badly in a motorcycle wreck. Horace Mann failed to pay the policy limits within 20 days as requested by the injured person’s lawyers. Forty-five days later suit was filed. The case was tried three years later, and the jury returned a $17 million verdict that was later settled for $7 million.

Imagine the frustration of three years of litigation after the teacher paid premiums for coverage and for a promise to pay. Teachers work hard; many have dedicated their lives to our children and their students. They deserve better from an insurance company that advertises that it protects teacher’s interests.

If you are a teacher and Horace Mann has not paid the contractual benefits you purchased, please contact us. We will discuss your situation over a free, confidential consultation and can advise you on what to do next. If you choose to take legal action, our Colorado insurance lawyers will be by your side fighting for your right to the just compensation you deserve.

Call (719) 625-3310 or contact us online to get started.